Author: Anonymous

We have taken care of all of the silver bullets.

Siamese Twins: First person plural.

She is so old… she's in God's year book.

Violinist: A high-strung musician.

Consultation: A medical term meaning “share the wealth.”

Invitro Fertilization: The innoculate conception.

It’s like pulling the teeth from a hen.

The lining's always more silver on the other side of the cloud.

Aardvark: In the beginning was the word. And the word was ‘Aardvark.’

Looting: A public shopping spree generously sponsored by local merchants in the wake of a riot.

(1950 – ) American author, satirist, webmaster & copywriter

Taking over the reigns of leadership.

I thought she had persisted from corresponding with him.

“I can talk faster than you,” Tom expressed.

Bookie: A pickpocket who lets you use your own hands.

One good thing about apathy is you don’t have to exert yourself to show you’re sincere about it.

Desire: The thing that is so often nipped in the budget.

Cat bathing is a martial art.

… behold, this very day, I have interceded another letter from the fellow.

She is so old… she used to baby-sit Jesus.

Even a spotted pig looks black at night.

Avoidable: What a bullfighter tries to do.