Author: Anonymous

“I’ve only enough carpet for the hall and landing,” said Tom with a blank stare.

Apparently: As either mother or father would do it.

“I’m being sent down to the minors,” said Tom beleagueredly.

Exaggeration: Formal term for a collection of fishermen (i.e. an exaggeration of anglers).

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.

“I work at a bank,” said Tom tellingly.

Racehorse: A barn athlete.

The shit’s gonna hit the stick.

Bridegroom: A man who is amazed at the outcome of what he thought was a harmless little flirtation.

Twins: Infant replay.

What if there were no hypothetical situations?

Waffle: A pancake with a nonskid tread.

Chicken guarding the hen house

I’m getting up on my feedbox here.

Linguist: A person who can be misunderstood in many languages.

You have to walk before you can swim.

Psychology: The science that tells you what you already know in words you can’t understand.

It's all Greek to a blind horse.

Alibi: Slip cover.

Honest Politician: One who, when he is bought, will stay bought.

Worst case Ontario.