Author: Anonymous Page 10

Organic Farm: Tilling like it is.

Divorce: Future tense of marriage.

Noise: Earitation.

Donation: A country full of female deer.

Manners: Noises you don’t make when eating soup.

Taxpayer: A person who has the government on his payroll.

So crosseyed, she could look at her own head.

Courtship: When a fellow and a girl are always trying to show how smart he is.

It's like a wizard in sheep's clothing.

It's time to step up to the plate and cut the mustard.

“How do you start a model-T Ford without a battery?” asked Tom crankily.

“I’ve got to stop this motor,” Tom choked.

Oh, for I minute there, I thought I was illuminating.

As much fun as shooting monkeys in a barrel.

“I ain’t afraid of those white men,” said Cochise bravely.

American Language: English run over by a musical comedy.

Baker: A person who kneads the dough.

Gardener: Someone who thinks that what goes down must come up.

Dorito Syndrome: Feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction triggered by addictive substances that lack nutritional content.

“Watch this insect sail through the air,” said Tom flippantly.

Take time to stop and smell the tunnel at the end of the rainbow.