Author: Anonymous Page 100

Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut.

Isn't that an expensive pendulum round that woman's neck?

“I might as well be dead,” Tom croaked.

The menu was frozen in the amber of 1973.

Bowling: Marbles for grown-ups.

“Don’t add too much water,” said Tom with great concentration.

A sandwich is an attempt to make both ends meat.

“That may cause my violin strings to snap,” was Tom’s gut reaction.

“I guess she fell off the motorcycle,” said Tom ruthlessly.

Honeymoon Sandwich: Just lettuce alone, with no dressing.

Marital Freedom: The liberty that allows a husband to do exactly that which his wife pleases.

Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?

White Supremacists: The most convincing argument against the theory of white racial superiority.

Eulogy: Praise of a person who has either the advantages of wealth and power, or the consideration to be dead.

“I haven’t had my photographs developed yet,” said Tom negatively.

The first known case of a rat joining a sinking ship.

Ambiguity: The lack of clarity in speech… or perhaps, something else.

Busier than a moth in a mitten!

“Once again, I read it on Wikipedia,” Tom recited.

Brute Force: When your brain doesn’t work, just keep beating on the problem until one of you dies.