Author: Anonymous Page 100

Take Home Pay: An amount of money which is called that because it is never big enough to go anywhere else with it.

Hypochondria is the one disease I haven’t got.

He is so fat… he's on both sides of the family.

Most anybody can be a cowboy, but it takes a damn genius to make money at it.

“Yes, I’m amazingly strongly built,” said Tom soberly.

If people weren’t meant to have midnight snacks, then why do they put a light in the refrigerator?

Garage: An attic on a lower level.

Donuts: The only non-negotiable element to a successful meeting.

Punctuality: The art of arriving for an appointment just in time to be indignant at the tardiness of the other party.

I keep trying to lose weight… but it keeps finding me.

Sidesaddle: How men, rather than women, would ride in a truly logical world.

I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

He's as crooked as a barrel of snakes.

Gardening: Man’s effort to improve his lot.

Acoustic: An instrument used in shooting pool.

Courtesy: The art of yawning with your mouth closed.

Women: Can't live with 'em – can't live with 'em.

His nose is so big… he has to lift it to eat.

“I will now demonstrate how to dissect a sheep,” delivered Tom.

It's as plain as the egg on your face.

Alimony: The sum of money a man is commanded to pay his ex-wife in exchange for the pleasure of having her live under a separate roof.