Author: Anonymous Page 101

“You dance just like Fred Astaire,” she said gingerly.

Why is abbreviation such a long word?

… create a little dysentery in the ranks.

Historian: An editor of yesterday’s news.

Nursery: Bawl room.

A drunkard is like a whiskey-bottle, all neck and belly and no head.

“I don’t want to rewrite this in prose,” said Tom aversely.

You could take that guy with a grain a salt.

Spanking: Stern punishment.

Borrower: A man who tries to live within your means.

Zeal: A nervous disorder affecting the young and inexperienced.

… forced to wade through a mountain of red tape

Historians: People who won’t let bygones be bygones.

Let's not put all of our cookies in a basket.

Judge: A man in a trying position.

“The seesaw is upside down,” said Tom saucily.

Hat: Something the average man covers his head with, the beggar passes around, the statesman throws into the ring, and the politician talks through.

He’s not the one with his ass in a noose.

Whether the glass is half-full or half empty, depends on whether you are drinking or pouring.

Growing up the trellis were pink and yellow concubines.

Liberty: Consists in giving everyone full right to mind everyone else’s business.