Author: Anonymous Page 101

Creditor: A man who has a better memory than a debtor.

X Chromosome: Sex chromosome responsible for the desire of dust ruffles, pillow shams, potpourris soap operas and ballroom dancing.

Brilliant sunshine rained down on the city.

Nothing is so fallacious as facts, except figures.

Bargain Hunter: One who is often led astray by false profits.

Censorship: The power of the suppress.

Well, that's a feather in your pocket.

Sarcasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn’t get it.

They'll have to retaliate the vote.

Armor: The kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith.

“Don’t you love sleeping outdoors,” Tom said intently.

Four-wheel Drive: Getting stuck in more inaccessible places.

Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.

Good Old Days: What people fifty years hence will be calling the present time.

Quality Control: The process of testing one out of every 1,000 units coming off a production line to make sure that at least one out of 100 works.

Like all self-made men he worships his creator.

Microsoft™ is thoroughly dropping the ball on that front.

“I’m waiting to see the doctor,” said Tom patiently.

They think they can do the portrait in one setting.

She tried to use reverse psychiatry on me.

She's tall enough to go duck huntin' with a rake.