Author: Anonymous Page 102

“That’s not how you draw a circle,” he criticized her roundly.

Diplomat: A person who thinks twice before saying nothing.

Rugby: A game played by gentlemen with odd-shaped balls.

Bride: A gal who puts her foot down as soon as her new husband has carried her over the threshold.

Bigamist: A man who marries a beautiful girl and a good cook.

Blind Date: When you expect to meet a vision and he turns out to be a sight.

Fishing License: Permit issued upon payment of a modest fee that allows fishermen to lose lures in a specified area.

“I’ve been to a film festival in Southern France,” said Tom cannily.

Lemonade Stand: Complicated business venture where Mom buys powdered mix, sugar, lemons, and paper cups, and sets up a table, chairs, pitchers and ice for kids who sit there for three to six minutes and net a profit of fifteen cents.

Bridge is a friendly game invented by two married couples who disliked each other.

Good Advice: What a man gives when he gets too old to set a bad example.

“I visit my parents every Sunday,” said Tom weakly.

If you let the cat out of the bag, how can you let sleeping dogs lie?

Don't count your chickens until you see the whites of their eyes.

“I’m very popular with women”, said Don wanly.

“I’m a broken man,” Tom cracked.

Altar: Place where a man loses control of himself.

Diagnosis: A physician’s forecast of the disease by the patient’s pulse and purse.

Dance: The action of moving rhythmically to music with a partner, a skill which a woman possesses naturally, but which a man acquires only for the short time in his young adulthood when he wishes to meet and impress young women, and abandons thereafter due to mysterious knee injuries.

It's time to swallow the bullet.

Kin: An affliction of the blood.