Author: Anonymous Page 103

Let's clear up a loose end.

Alarm Clock: Something that makes people rise and whine.

Upgraded: Didn't work the first time.

Judge: A man in a trying position.

She’s so ugly she makes onions cry.

“The insect in William’s hand is wearing a yarmulka!” said Tom jubilantly.

As useless as a pocket on a cow

“We can’t let the fire die out,” Tom bellowed.

That will open up a whole new can of issues.

He was grinnin' like a possum eatin' bumble bees.

Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with.

They live in a two-storage house.

Parking Space: An unfilled opening in an unending line of cars near an unapproachable fire hydrant.

Knitting: An exercise that gives women something to do when they are talking.

Democracy: A state of mind in which every man is as good as every other man, provided he really is.

Gigolo: A fee-male.

She’s not the brightest bulb in the drawer.

Discretion: Being able to raise your eyebrow instead of your voice.

Ability: What you have to get by on if you don’t kiss-up to the boss.

The acrobats are performing freaks at the circus.

It's a long road to hoe