Author: Anonymous Page 105

He had to use a fire distinguisher.

Travel Brochure: A trip teaser.

Budget: An attempt to live below your yearnings.

“Bad marksmanship,” the hunter groused.

“This is where I keep my arrows,” said Tom quiveringly.

Bliss: Having no idea what is really happening.

Quadruplets: Four crying out loud.

He is so fat… when he gets in an elevator, it has to go down.

“The bank doesn’t want me as a customer,” said Tom unaccountably.

“Boy, that’s an ugly hippopotamus!” said Tom hypocritically.

Troops: Expendable bodies sent by the government to stop bullets during obscure foreign uprisings.

You've buttered your bread, now lie in it.

“I was absolutely vitrified,” said Tom with a glazed look.

“I told you not to ride that horse,” Tom nagged.

“I want to date other women,” said Tom unsteadily.

Sex Education: Sermon on the mount.

She has a photogenic memory.

She is so fat… her favorite meal is seconds.

Falsies: A helpful aid to any girl in acquiring a disappointed husband.

We are treading on thin water.

Sleeping Bag: A nap sack.