Author: Anonymous Page 112

Angler: A man who spends rainy days sitting around on the muddy banks of rivers doing nothing because his wife won’t let him do it at home.

Choir: A group of people whose singing allows the rest of the Congregation to lip-sync.

Garage: Something usually built with a house attached.

“I’m shocked,” said Tom electrically.

“That painting makes me laugh”, Tom articulated.

There are two theories to arguing with women… neither one works.

Politician: A fellow who borrows your pot in which to cook your goose.

Adolescence is the best substitute ever invented for experience.

Diamond: One of the hardest substances known to man – especially the payments on one.

Don't bite the hand that lays the golden egg.

Middle Age: That period when a man begins to shed his hair, his teeth, and his illusions.

[a rock group’s] authenticity strikes a chord with fans.

I'm shooting from the seat of my pants.

Status Quo: Latin for “the mess we’re in.”

Toast: The only thing that can be eaten or drunk.

Civilization: A process whereby one generation finds the questions to the previous generation’s answers.

Birth Control: Evasion of the issue.

Look what the cat dragged out of the bag.

Minor Operation: One performed on someone else.

Consumer: One who delights advertisers by acquiring unnecessary products.

Advice: A commodity peddled by your lawyer and given away by your mother-in-law, but impossible to dispose of yourself. Famous as the one thing which it is “More blessed to give than receive.”