Author: Anonymous Page 117

I’m still not sure if I understand ambiguity.

If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.

Deluxe: Mediocre in a big way.

“Rowing hurts my hands,” said Tom callously.

Quadruplets: Four crying out loud.

Egotism: An anesthetic that nature gives to a man to deaden the pain of being a darn fool.

Hot Pants: Breeches of promise.

I rented The Cool Surface last week; words can't describe how awful it is. I'm a big Teri Hatcher fan, but a rental… is $2.75 thrown down the drain. Save your money by reading the attached plot synopsis: 
[WARNING: spoiler follows] Teri Hatcher has breasts. They look OK.

I wouldn’t be caught dead there with a ten-foot pole.

Famous Last Words: “This is easy.”

Newlywed: A man who puts up the storm windows the first time his wife suggests it.

We kill people who kill people because killing people is wrong.

Make like a tree and head out.

Once the horse is out of the barn, you can't put him back again.

“I’ve got to stop this motor,” Tom choked.

“That is a sick bird,” said Tom illegally.

Chicken: An egg's way of making more eggs.

It's as dark as the inside of a cow.

A seven pound baby arrived last night to frighten the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Caswell.

Filing Cabinet: A place where you lose things alphabetically.

If what you don't know can't hurt you, she's practically invulnerable.