Author: Anonymous Page 120

He’s wearing a tomahawk haircut.

Why spend astronomical amounts on so-called scientific research to go to another planet?

You've put your finger right on the nail.

What a dirty trap!

A year ago Gerald Ford was unknown throughout America; now he’s unknown throughout he world.

Blind Date: When you expect to meet a vision and he turns out to be a sight.

You might think the Channel Islands are a backwater.

God is not dead but alive and working on a much less ambitious project.

I am sure I have done everything in my power since I exploded the affair.

She tried to use reverse psychiatry on me.

“I still haven’t struck oil,” said Tom boringly.

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.

“What’s the value of a dollar bill?” asked Tom noteworthily.

Psychology: The care of the id by the odd.

Graffiti: Urban scrawl.

Barber: The town cutup.

If the baby is happy, don’t try to make it happier.

It was so cold… the politicians had their hands in their own pockets.

The only reason she made it to the top was because her clothes didn't.

Dictatorship: A place where public opinion can’t even be expressed privately.

He’s about as awkward as a cow on crutches.