Author: Anonymous Page 124

Oaf: An old fashioned jerk.

Igloo: An icicle built for two.

The squeeky wheel gets the worm.

Don’t cast swine before bears.

“Pass me the shellfish,” said Tom crabbily.

We have to get all our ducks on the same page.

He received a decease and desist order.

Beer… so much more than just a breakfast drink.

B-Negative: A pessimist’s blood type.

The first known case of a rat joining a sinking ship.

He breathes through his nose to keep from wearing out his teeth.

[a rock group’s] authenticity strikes a chord with fans.

Ventriloquist: A man who never speaks for himself.

“I can’t be bothered,” said Tom carelessly.

“That’s nothing!” said Tom naughtily.

The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required on it.

“I think we were cheated,” Tom recounted.

Keep your eyes pierced, it's got to be around here somewhere.

“Emily has put on weight,” said Tom emphatically.

Acrimony: The holy state of being married.

Fashion: A make-work program to get women to buy new clothes for no real reason before the old clothes wear out.