Author: Anonymous Page 136

“I clubbed a diamondback snake with a spade,” Tom said heartlessly.

Makeup: Lipstick, eyeliner, blush which ironically makes Mom look better while making her young daughter look “like a tramp.”

Vasectomy: Never having to say you’re sorry.

Cookie: A standard method for converting sugar, floor, and butter into body fat.

“I’m embarrassed,” Tom admitted readily.

Let’s get down to brass tax.

Caramel: A substance for extracting children’s teeth.

Experience: Something you don’t get until just after you needed it.

When sleeping dogs fly.

Apartment: A place where the landlord and the tenant are both trying to raise the rent.

She’s so ugly… when she entered an ugly contest the judges said, "No professionals."

Durable Goods: Those that last longer than the time payments.

Weed: A plant whose virtues have not been discovered.

“The prisoners set up a company,” the warden confirmed.

Taste: (female Interpretation): Something you do frequently to whatever you’re cooking, to make sure it’s good;   (male Interpretation): Something you must do to anything you think has gone bad, prior to tossing it out.

If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.

Statesman: A politician away from home.

Farm: What a city man dreams of at 5 p.m…. never at 5 a.m.

I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

A horse divided against itself cannot stand.

Sympathizer: A fellow that’s for you as long as it doesn’t cost anything.