Author: Anonymous Page 138

Diet: What helps a person gain weight more slowly.

… having too much collateral in your blood.

Etiquette: A convenient code of conduct which makes lying a virtue and snobbishness a righteous deed.

An allowance is what you pay your children to live with you.

Small Town: A place where everybody knows the troubles you’ve seen.

An injured friend of his was going to receive back pay radioactively.

“Don’t you love sleeping outdoors,” Tom said intently.

Sanitation Worker: The title conferred on garbage men when they  started earning more than public school teachers.

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Remember, Rome wasn’t burned an a day.

Aborigines: Persons of little worth found cumbering the soil of a newly discovered country.

Depression: A period in which you have no belt to tighten.

Let’s not open that can of worms until we get this one nailed down.

He can cry on a dime.

“The vegetables are overcooked!” she steamed.

Do you follow where I'm coming from?

Ultimatum: In diplomacy, a last demand before resorting to concessions.

Exaggeration: Formal term for a collection of fishermen (i.e. an exaggeration of anglers).

Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sixteenth Chapel.

Antiques: Furniture that is too old for poor folks but the right age for rich people.

Matrimony: A knot tied by a preacher and untied by a lawyer.