Author: Anonymous Page 142

Epitaph: A monumental lie.

“It’s an actual parameter, not a formal parameter,” was Tom’s argument.

“It has zero height, zero width, and just a little depth,” said Tom, stretching the point.

Fobia: The fear of misspelled words.

He was a man of great statue.

Communist: One who has yearnings for equal division of unequal earnings.

“Are you all governors?” Tom asked, bored.

Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut.

He’s so skinny, his pants had only one back pocket.

Small Town: Where everybody is interested in what the Joneses will name the latest baby, while a big city is where they worry about what the zoo will call the new elephant.

“I’m going after that red fish,” said Tom erringly.

“A spirit transported me from the couch to the chair,” said Tom, visibly moved.

Y Chromosome: The cause of virility, war, baldness, hockey, sex crimes, clever inventions and a disinclination to ask for directions when lost.

Court Of Law: A place where a suit is pressed and a man maybe taken to the cleaners.

“A dog bit me,” said Tom rabidly.

Among the many remedies that won’t cure a cold, the most common is advice.

Fitness: Salvation through perspiration.

He came out of it smelling like a bandit.

He's so thin he had to stand twice in the same place to make a shadow.

Taxi Driver: Worker who earns a living by driving customers away.

Anatomy: A class that sounds vaguely risqué until you find out what it really involves.