Author: Anonymous Page 143

Dermatologist: Person who makes rash judgments.

The only thing wrong with being an atheist is that there's nobody to talk to during an orgasm.

Foosball: A combination of soccer and shish kabobs.

I have taken many of God's blessings for granite.

She’s a tall drink of water.

Window: A looking-out glass.

If you spill the beans, then you'll open a can of worms.

Mason-Dixon Line: A geographical division between “you all” and “youse guys.”

“Yes, I’m amazingly strongly built,” said Tom soberly.

[a rock group’s] authenticity strikes a chord with fans.

Men are like chocolate bars: sweet, smooth, and heading straight for your hips.

Those people all corregated over there.

When all is said and done, more is said than done.

Diplomat: A person who can juggle a hot potato long enough for it to become a cold issue.

“I like camping,” said Tom intently.

It is so hot… the cows arre giving evaporated milk.

We're going to get locked into a corner.

Church: Man’s effort to keep a roof over God’s head.

Hell hath no fury like a wet cat.

A duck on a hot tin roof.

I want to see you go to town like a house of fire.