Author: Anonymous Page 144

[Marriage] is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy.

Budget: An attempt to live below your yearnings.

Spouse: Someone who'll stand by you through all the trouble you wouldn't have had if you'd stayed single.

Politicians are like diapers; they both need changing regularly and for the same reason.

After-Dinner Speaker: A fellow who rises to the occasion – and then stands too long.

She has a photogenic memory.

Flattery is telling people exactly what they think of themselves.

Isn't that an expensive pendulum round that woman's neck?

They paired off, one by one.

“My friend and I steal things together,” Tom corroborated.

We are born naked, wet, and hungry; then things get worse.

We were the country that has more food to eat than any other country in the world, and with more diets to keep us from eating it.

Derange: Where de buffalo roam.

He’s about as awkward as a cow on crutches.

“I’ve removed all the feathers from this chicken,” said Tom pluckily.

Unimpeachable Source: The guy that started the rumor in the first place.

Are you getting the jest of this?

He's like a cat out of water

Adage: To become older.

“I’m on the green,” Tom lied.

Conscience: The voice that tells you not to do something after you have done it.