Author: Anonymous Page 147

Fishing: A venerable contest in which modern man pits his intelligence and technology against the native wit of primitive aquatic vertebrates, and generally finishes second.

Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.

State-Of-The-Art: Soon-to-be-obsolete.

Y Chromosome: A line of genes designed for men only.

“Oops! There goes my hat!” said Tom off the top of his head.

Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by an occasional miracle.

The success of any venture will be helped by prayer, even in the wrong denomination.

Take it with a grain assault.

It will be music to your wallet.

“Everything Albert says is so obvious”, said Tom altruistically.

A stitch in time is worth a pound of cure.

It's a long road to hoe

“I have no underwear,” Tom said expansively.

A stitch in time saves a poke in the eye with a wet fish.

“Is it true that some animals will eat their own babies?” asked Tom literately.

“This blood-sucking insect likes French cheese,” said Tom briefly.

Infant Prodigies: Young people with highly imaginative parents.

Fiddler: A violinist before he becomes the virtuoso.

“I always eat at McDonald’s”, said Tom archly.

Alarm clock: An instrument used to wake up people who have no kids.

That's the whole kettle of fish in a nutshell.