Author: Anonymous Page 151

Gossip: Anything that goes in one ear and over the back fence.

“The vegetables are overcooked!” she steamed.

Close the barn door after you've led the horse to water.

In the nineteenth century, life was hard for Europe’s pheasants.

She is so old… she used to baby-sit Jesus.

She's not wearing enough clothes to flag a hand car.

Advertising: That which makes you think you’ve longed all your life for something you never even heard of.

Billboards: Litter on a stick.

She is so fat… when she turns around, people throw her a welcome back party.

Always be on the lookout for conspicuousness.

Dictatorship: A place where public opinion can’t even be expressed privately.

American: One who gets mad when a foreigner curses the institutions he curses.

Adherent: A follower who has not yet obtained all that he expects to get.

Adolescence is the best substitute ever invented for experience.

Fad: Something that goes in one era and out the other.

“Ouch! When I get stung, I want revenge,” said Tom begrudgingly.

He’s wearing a tomahawk haircut.

It is so hot… no shirt, no pants, no problem.

Eulogy: Praise that’s too much and too late.

Out of the frying pan, into a handbasket.

Things are more like they are now than they ever were before.