Author: Anonymous Page 152

Ability: What will get you to the top if the boss has no daughter.

“Damn it, look at the camera!” Tom snapped.

Obscenity is whatever gives the judge an erection.

Your being Sir Anthony's son, would itself be a sufficient accommodation.

Dark Ages: Knight time.

“I caught two hares”, said Tom abrasively.

I guess I threw a cog in the wrench.

“There’s nothing wrong with demons,” Tom said implicitly.

Censor: A person who sticks his noes into other people’s business.

I'm flying by the edge of my seat.

Twins: Infant replay.

Faster than a dog's tail in a meat market.

Jack Benny played Mendelsson last night… Mendelsson lost.

Alarm Clock: Something that makes people rise and whine.

“Your fly is undone,” was Tom’s zippy rejoinder.

Nepotism: Putting on heirs.

Mouse: An advanced input device to make computer errors easier to generate.

“Congratulations; you graduated,” said Tom diplomatically.

“There, there,” was Tom’s pat answer.

“So only one person arrived at the party before I did?” Tom second-guessed.

There’s nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with them won’t aggravate.