Author: Anonymous Page 154

Bisexual: A person who pays for sex.

He ran a cottage industry from his garden shed.

Ignorance is golden.

Let’s get down to brass tax.

Adultery: Putting yourself in someone else’s position.

“I’m just an average guy,” said Tom meanly.

Philosophy: Common sense in a dress suit.

She is so slow… she has to speed up to stop.

“It’s not a candy mint, it’s a breath mint”, Tom asserted.

Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sixteenth Chapel.

“I really don’t like tending the garden,” he said witheringly.

You have to shoot where the fish are barking.

Forger: A man who is always ready to write a wrong.

Success can be insured only by devising a defense against failure of the contingency plan.

She is so stupid… she can’t make ice without a recipe.

He is so fat… in the summer he can sell shade.

World: A place that was built in six days – and looks it.

Executive Shakeup: Title wave.

“I’d like to be a Chinese laborer,” said Tom coolly.

Adolescence: When a boy has reached the state when he knows why a strapless gown must be held up, but doesn’t understand how.

Diplomat: A person who thinks twice before saying nothing.