Author: Anonymous Page 158

Harpist: A plucky musician.

Bad Driver: The person you run into.

She is so stupid… she can’t make ice without a recipe.

Dime: A dollar with all the taxes taken out.

You’ve really put your finger on the nail there.

I thought she had persisted from corresponding with him.

Yearbook: A book of pictures that get nerdier with time.

You can lead a gift horse to water but you can't look him in the mouth.

Matrimony: The splice of life.

He is so stupid… he thought Johnny Cash was a pay toilet.

District of Columbia: A territory bounded on all sides by the United States of America.

If she was cast as Lady Godiva the horse would steal the show.

Apple: Nutritious lunchtime dessert which children will trade for cupcakes.

Ignorance is golden.

Wolf: A fellow who wants his hands on a girl, but doesn’t want a girl on his hands.

Impotence: Nature’s way of saying “No Hard Feelings.”

Tact: The ability to arrive at conclusions without expressing them.

Business Lunch: Lunch.

Bald: When one has less hair to comb but more face to wash.

Wrinkles: Something other people have… you have character lines.

"Welcome to my tomb," said Tom cryptically.