Author: Anonymous Page 18

Window Screen: A device for keeping flies in the house.

I'd walk a mile in a camel's shoes to pass through the eye of a needle.

“You must be my host,” Tom guessed.

“The executioner has received the tool he needs”, said Tom with a heavy accent.

Gardening: Man’s effort to improve his lot.

The guy literally flew down the stairs!

“Europe needs more self-restraint,” said Tom continently.

The sacred cows have come home to roost with a vengeance.

It was so cold… the politicians had their hands in their own pockets.

Well, that’s water under the dam.

Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it's too late to close the barn door.

Justice: A decision in your favor.

Absolute Pitch: Completely dark.

A good idea is one that hits the other fellow with a bolt of envy.

You can lead a gift horse to water but you can't look him in the mouth.

It is so hot… I saw two trees fighting over a dog.

“I have a BA in social work,” said Tom with a degree of concern.

When sleeping dogs fly.

Everybody had some antidotes to tell.

Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

“Can I go looking for the Grail again?” Tom requested.