Author: Anonymous Page 26

The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it.

Statesman: A politician who is held upright by equal pressure from all directions.

That's the pot calling the kettle's bluff.

We're cooking on all four cylinders.

Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories.

Life: A breathing spell.

He breathes through his nose to keep from wearing out his teeth.

Distant Relative: One who can be very distant – especially when he has lots of money.

“Can I go looking for the Grail again?” Tom requested.

Borrower: A man who tries to live within your means.

If he fell into a pile of horse shit, he’d start looking for a pony.

Husband: A person who is the boss of his house and has his wife’s permission to say so.

“One of the ten finalists in the ‘London derriere’ contest had to drop out”, said Tom asininely.

It is better to be on penicillin, than never to have loved at all.

It is so hot… today I saw a funeral procession pull into a Dairy Queen.

Divorce: Future tense of marriage.

There are only two types of computers in the world: those that waste your precious time and those that waste your precious time faster.

“The phone reception here is excellent,” he said clearly.

I’d like to be sitting in his shoes.

“I like modern painting,” said Tom abstractly.

Death is nature’s way of saying “Howdy.”