Author: Anonymous Page 32

Money roots out all evil.

Bridegroom: A man who is amazed at the outcome of what he thought was a harmless little flirtation.

A rolling stone kills no birds.

“I don’t work here on a regular basis,” said Tom casually.

The difference between light and hard is that you can sleep with a light on.

School teachers are not fully appreciated by parents until it rains all day Saturday.

“This mental ward is busy,” said Tom crazily.

Kill two cats with one bag.

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request your presents at the marriage of their daughter…

Penis: Part of the male anatomy which contains the brain.

“I caught two hares”, said Tom abrasively.

“I’m on social security,” said Tom dolefully.

Etiquette: Learning to yawn with your mouth closed.

“You’re busted!” said the policeman to Miss Parton.

“For goodness sakes, use a broom,” Tom bristled.

Cold: An ailment cured in two weeks with a doctor’s care, and in fourteen days without it.

“Why shouldn’t I stir my coffee with a ballpoint pen?” Tom bickered.

Chicken: An egg factory.

Dirty laundry is coming home to roost.

It is so hot… today I saw a funeral procession pull into a Dairy Queen.

He had to use a fire distinguisher.