Author: Anonymous Page 38

He is so ugly… the psychiatrist makes him lie face down.

“I always eat at McDonald’s”, said Tom archly.

We heard the sea is infatuated with sharks.

Blushing: The color of virtue.

Dieting is not a piece of cake.

Martial Arts: A family of Asiatic self-defense disciplines consisting largely of sweeping ornamental gestures of the arms and legs – amusing to look at but disappointingly ineffective when one’s opponent is armed with a semi-automatic.

Roulette: A wheel that seldom takes a turn for the bettor.

Borrower: A man who tries to live within your means.

The squeaky wheel wins.

“It’s a German song,” Tom lied.

Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.

Step up to the plate and pick up the gauntlet.

“What’s the value of a dollar bill?” asked Tom noteworthily.

“I think I’ve broken my leg ”, reported Tom lamely.

She looked at me like a cow looking at a new gate.

When a guy goes to a hooker, he's not paying her for sex, he's paying her to leave.

So there was this dyslexic guy who walked into a bra.

“I’ve struck oil!” said Tom crudely.

Gardener: A man who never lets grass grow under his feet.

Woman's Rule of Thumb: If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it.

That’s a kettle of fish of a different color.