Author: Anonymous Page 43

She looked at me like a cow looking at a new gate.

Chivalry: The attitude of a man toward somebody else’s wife.

Traffic Light: A little green light that changes to red as your car approaches.

“I ain’t afraid of those white men,” said Cochise bravely.

“Yes, I’m amazingly strongly built,” said Tom soberly.

“That little devil didn’t tell the truth,” Tom implied.

“I unclogged the drain with a vacuum cleaner,” said Tom succinctly.

Where there's a will, there's an inheritance tax.

“Angel dust? Me? Never touch it!” Tom snorted.

“I don’t like this Chardonnay,” Tom whined.

Makeup: Lipstick, eyeliner, blush which ironically makes Mom look better while making her young daughter look “like a tramp.”

The trouble with ignorance is that it picks up confidence as it goes along.

“Nobody has scored yet in the tennis game,” said Tom lovingly.

He is so fat… people jump over him rather than go around.

Distant Relative: One who can be very distant – especially when he has lots of money.

Voting: A process of standing in line for the opportunity to help decide which party will spend your money.

Stroke: Any forward movement of the golf club that is made with the intention of hitting and moving the ball and is observed by another golfer.

“I’ve an urgent appointment,” said Tom in Russian.

Castration: A eunuch experience.

… one says to the other her mum had a cyst on on her aviary.

Zebra: A horse behind bars.