Author: Anonymous Page 51

Family Planning: Having all your children while their grandparents are still young enough to be babysitters.

Lecher: A stud with liver spots.

Kill two cats with one bag.

What comes around, is all around.

Experience : The name men give to their mistakes.

Newspaper: A publication that condemns gambling and promotes lottery numbers.

The squeaky wheel wins.

Horse: An oatsmobile.

He really grates me up the wrong way.

Compromise: A deal in which two people get what neither of them wanted.

Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet.

Freudian Slip: Foot-in-mouth disease.

The difference between bagpipes and an onion is that nobody cries when you chop up a bagpipe.

The world is full of apathy, but I don't care.

Dime: A dollar with all the taxes taken out.

Lets see who takes the bite on that.

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Stirred the sea into a bowl of boiling cauldron

I'm not a pessimist, I'm an optometrist.

Adolescence: A period in which children begin to question the answers.

Adolescence: That period when children feel their parents should be told the facts of life.