Author: Anonymous Page 6

Husband: Someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression that he just cleaned the whole house.

Isn't it nice to not have to look over our backs anymore?

Retirement means twice as much husband on half as much money.

Silicone Treatment: The bust that money can buy.

It was so cold… the politicians had their hands in their own pockets.

The menu was frozen in the amber of 1973.

Americans: People with more time-saving devices and less time than any other people in the world.

No one is listening until you make a mistake.

“I can talk faster than you,” Tom expressed.

Death is nature’s way of saying “Howdy.”

Ken already has a good repertoire with the waitress.

Breeding: Concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.

Make like a tree and head out.

“I’m going after that red fish,” said Tom erringly.

Woman: A creature who is either making a fool out of man, or making a man out of a fool.

Quartet: Four men, all of whom think that the other three can’t sing.

She has initiated and is very remorseful.

Economist: One who takes a lot of unwarranted assumptions and reaches a foregone conclusion.

“I’ll take that”, said Tom appropriately.

“Everything Albert says is so obvious”, said Tom altruistically.

Altar: To change through marriage.