Author: Anonymous Page 62

It's a long road to hoe

He’d gripe with a ham under each arm.

Retirement means twice as much husband on half as much money.

He breathes through his nose to keep from wearing out his teeth.

“I’m swimming in the middle of Paris!” shouted Tom insanely.

Auction: A place where, if you aren’t careful, you’ll get something for nodding.

Announce: Thirty grams or a sixteenth of a pound.

“I’m falling into a void,” said Tom flawlessly.

“I’m swimming in the middle of Paris!” shouted Tom insanely.

He ran a cottage industry from his garden shed.

We are beating a dead drum.

You might think the Channel Islands are a backwater.

The bigger the mouth, the better it looks shut.

The trees taunt you; the sand mocks you; the water calls your name… and they say golf is a quiet game.

Eating humble crow

He’s a wolf in cheap clothing.

“We’ll need a higher price at auction,” Tom said morbidly.

Punctuality: The art of guessing correctly how late the other party is going to be.

We wanted to help the indiguous people of the country.

Ad Hoc: Pawn shop advertisement.

He is so fat… when he gets in an elevator, it has to go down.