Author: Anonymous Page 64

… to love and to cherish, till death do us apart.

Bus: A vehicle that has empty seats when going in the opposite direction.

Bargain: Something you can’t use, at a price you can’t resist.

We need to sit down and walk through some things.

Marriage: The mourning after the knot before.

“My garden needs another layer of mulch,” Tom repeated.

She’s not the brightest bulb in the drawer.

“I wish I had something to write with,” Tom said pensively.

Ad Hoc: Pawn shop advertisement.

Isn't that an expensive pendulum round that woman's neck?

She is so ugly… when she goes swimming the tide goes out.

Sport: War without killing.

Home: A place where a man is free to say anything he pleases because no one pays any attention to him.

She is so stupid… she took a blood test and failed.

Perfume: What a woman hopes will make her the scenter of attention.

“I don’t like going to museums,” he said artlessly.

He doesn’t have much of a reputation or so I’ve heard.

Kill two cats with one bag.

Love: The triumph of imagination over intelligence.

Poise: The act of raising the eyebrows instead of the roof.

Scholarly Debate: Feud for thought.