Author: Anonymous Page 64

“I think I’ll use a different font,” said Tom boldly.

Small Town: Where everybody knows what everybody else is doing, and all buy the weekly newspaper to see how much the editor dares to print.

Diagnosis: A physician’s forecast of the disease by the patient’s pulse and purse.

Time: The arbitrary division of eternity.

Worry: Interest paid on trouble before it falls due.

I'm tired of walking on kid gloves.

“Everything in Texas is bigger,” he said in measured tones; “Even the cowboys,” he continued hoarsely.

The father of the bride should realize he isn’t losing a daughter but gaining a bathroom.

Class Reunion: A gathering where you come to the conclusion that most of the people your own age are a lot older than you are.

Tact: The ability to describe others as they see themselves.

Scissors: A piece maker.

Three stages of sex in a man’s life: Tri Weekly, Try Weekly, and Try Weakly.

Wolf: A fellow who wants his hands on a girl, but doesn’t want a girl on his hands.

The history of the aquatics center shows… that the games’ organizers seem to be willing to spend money like water.

He’s still green behind the ears.

Chivalry: The attitude of a man toward somebody else’s wife.

Ignoramus: Someone who doesn’t know something that you learned yesterday.

Ornery as an old pine knot

Post Office: U.S. Snail.

Plagiarism: Failure to adorn stolen ideas with footnotes, as opposed to scholarship, which repeatedly acknowledges the theft.

“Another work week begins,” said Tom mundanely.