Author: Anonymous Page 65

Many a man who misses an anniversary catches it later.

She don’t have the sense God gave a gopher.

It's as dark as the inside of a cow.

Baker: A person who kneads the dough.

Middle Age: That time of life when you'd rather not have a good time than recover from it. 

Status Quo: Latin for “the mess we’re in.”

It's all Greek to a blind horse.

“I’ve dug myself into a hole,” Tom said gravely.

“Everything Albert says is so obvious”, said Tom altruistically.

He was as mad as a mule chewing on bumblebees!

It would bring the public school system crumbling to its knees.

“That just doesn’t add up,” said Tom, nonplussed.

Statistics: The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions.

Divorce: A splitting headache.

Love is blind… but marriage is the real eye-opener.

Counsel: Advice with a price tag.

Diet: A brief period of starvation followed by a gain of five pounds.

You can put the cart before the horse, but you can't make him drink.

He couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

Long road to hoe.

I'm bone empty.