Author: Anonymous Page 67

I’m getting up on my feedbox here.

Synonym: A word you use when you can’t spell the other word.

Senility: A cleansing of the mental blackboard shortly before class is dismissed.

Clothes Dryer: An appliance designed to eat socks.

Boss: A person who comes early to see who comes late.

People who wear glass slippers shouldn't kick stones.

They're in the trenches; they're on the horse and they're riding it.

Cat bathing is a martial art.

“The insect in William’s hand is wearing a yarmulka!” said Tom jubilantly.

“Everything Albert says is so obvious”, said Tom altruistically.

Forger: A man who is always ready to write a wrong.

Durable Goods: Those that last longer than the time payments.

He is so ugly… the psychiatrist makes him lie face down.

Adolescents: People who never seem to realize that one day they will be as dumb as their parents.

Good Neighbor: One who makes his noise at the same time you make yours.

Death: A breath-taking experience.

Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet.

Consciousness: The annoying time between naps.

Sociology: Journalism without news.

Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.

They live in a beautiful apartment overlooking their rent.