Author: Anonymous Page 68

Hotter than a depot stove

Fitness: Salvation through perspiration.

Death is nature’s way of saying “Howdy.”

Acorn: An oak in a nutshell.

Brat: A child who displays his pest manners.

Yacht: A floating debt.

Delayed Payment: A tourniquet applied at the pockets.

Bank Robber: A guy who gets alarmed easily.

It is so hot… the trees are whistling for the dogs.

The president will put the ship of state on its feet.

Jury: A body of twelve men selected to decide which of the contestants has the better lawyer.

Numismatics: Collecting money for fun.

When my wife gets a little upset, sometimes a simple “Calm down” in a soothing voice is all it takes to get her a lot upset.

We've howdied but we ain't shook yet.

“I wouldn’t mind going with you to the tennis match,” she said gamely.

Taxidermist: A man who mounts animals.

You continue to cloudy the water.

“Give me some Chinese food”, said Tom wantonly.

Reform: To gain or lose weight.

She looked at me like a cow looking at a new gate.

Manicurist: A girl who makes money hand over fist.