Author: Anonymous Page 69

“I’m losing my hair,” Tom bawled.

He can cry on a dime.

Ugly as a moose chewin ice

It's like pulling hen's teeth.

Rejoinder: Married his ex.

Riding: The art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.

Cooperation can only be reached if we work together.

Apology: Politeness too late.

Home: A place where man goes to raise a fuss because something went wrong at the office.

He is so dumb, blondes tell jokes about him.

Is this a whole nother bucket of worms?

Middle Age: That period when a man begins to shed his hair, his teeth, and his illusions.

She has really plummeted to the top of the charts.

Philosophy: Common sense in a dress suit.

The rain is coming down like gangbusters!

“I’ll get you out of prison in no time,” said Tom balefully.

“This pencil tip is dull,” she said pointedly.

My doctor stays true to his Apothecary Oath.

Let’s not open that can of worms until we get this one nailed down.

Yankee: The same as a quickie, but you can do it by yourself.

Do you know why they call it 'PMS'? … because 'Mad Cow Disease' was already taken.