Author: Anonymous Page 73

“Those hookers are putting notices in the personals”, Tom advised.

“Now I can do some painting,” said Tom easily.

Compromise: A deal in which two people get what neither of them wanted.

Knitting: An exercise that gives women something to do when they are talking.

Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Do you know why they call it 'PMS'? … because 'Mad Cow Disease' was already taken.

Puritan: A person who pours righteous indignation into the wrong things.

Life Insurance: A contract that keeps you poor all your life so you can die rich.

We've howdied but we ain't shook yet.

I'm flying by the edge of my seat.

Nymphomania: A disease where the patient enjoys being bedridden.

The ship of state has a difficult road ahead.

You dug your bed, you lie in it.

Doughnut: Holey food.

A stitch in time is worth a pound of cure.

Statesman: An ex-politician who has mastered the art of holding his tongue.

Get two birds stoned at once.

“I have a split personality,” said Tom, being frank.

Book Jacket: A fable of contents.

“Has my magazine arrived?” Tom asked periodically.

Diplomat: A person who thinks twice before saying nothing.