Author: Anonymous Page 77

Honest Politician: One who, when he is bought, will stay bought.

Pickpocket: A man who believes that every crowd has a silver lining.

“This oar is broken,” said Tom robustly.

“Where shall I plant these water lilies?” Tom pondered.

Can’t act. Slightly bald. Also dances.

Belong: To take your time.

If you don't like my opinion of you – improve yourself!

Numismatics: Collecting money for fun.

Age: The time when everything hurts and what doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work.

Fairway: The well-kept and seldom used portion of a golf course.

School teachers are not fully appreciated by parents until it rains all day Saturday.

The more you complain, the longer God makes you live.

Like having a large wardrobe fall on top of you with the key still in the lock.

Absence makes a long story short.

Jury: A body of twelve men selected to decide which of the contestants has the better lawyer.

“Parsley, sage, rosemary,” said Tom timelessly.

An economic forecaster is like a cross-eyed javelin thrower: they don’t win many accuracy contests, but they keep the crowd’s attention.

Shivers of joy running up and down my throat

Zebra: A horse behind bars.

Borrow money from pessimists; they don't expect it back.

There's many a pessimist who got that way by financing an optimist.