Author: Anonymous Page 85

Let’s split the baby with the bathwater.

Diet: A system of starving yourself to death so you can live a little longer.

Ingrate: A man who bites the hand that feeds him, and then complains of indigestion.

As the smoke clears at the devastated detention centre, an investigation reveals how officials ignored the warnings that they were sitting on a powder keg.

Aussie Kiss: Similar to a French Kiss, but given down under.

Manager: Someone who doesn’t know how to do your job, who tells you how to do your job.

Death: A breath-taking experience.

Never believe anything until it's been officially denied.

Heirloom: Some old thing nobody liked well enough to wear out.

Twins: Infant replay.

She could eat an apple through a picket fence.

Ambiguity: The lack of clarity in speech… or perhaps, something else.

A censor has the peculiar faculty of banning just what we want to hear, see,

Free Verse: Verse written without rhyme or reason.

She's so fat… when she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate.

Maps: The shorthand of geography.

Forger: A man who is always ready to write a wrong.

Sleeping dogs bark the loudest.

Underwear: An article of clothing which, when kept clean, ensures the wearer will never have an accident.

It is better to be on penicillin, than never to have loved at all.

Collection: A church function in which many take but a passing interest.