Author: Anonymous Page 87

Xylophone: Small toy musical instrument often given as gifts to children who show their appreciation by playing the stupid thing constantly, over and over, all day long; see also "drums."

It is so hot… the cows arre giving evaporated milk.

Run it up the flag pole and see what sticks.

“I can’t be bothered,” said Tom carelessly.

Aren't you ever tired of having yourself around?

“I’m a broken man,” Tom cracked.

Stock Market: A popular game of chance in which moneyed speculators gamble with the nation’s economy, the object being to amass as much unearned income as possible before one’s fellow gamblers withdraw from the game and precipitate a nationwide depression.

We need to look the 800-pound gorilla in the mouth

Electrician: A person who wires for money.

Clergyman: A man who undertakes the management of our spiritual affairs as a method of bettering his temporal ones.

It's on the tip of my frontal lobotomy.

A boy becomes a man when he stops asking his father for an allowance and requests a loan.

“I’ve joined the Airborne Medical Corps,” said Tom paradoxically.

Centimeter: A parking meter that takes pennies.

Dust: Mud with the juice squeezed out.

Balanced Diet: A cookie in each hand.

Venereal Disease: Germs of endearment.

Forty: The most difficult age for a woman to pass; it often takes years.

It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything.

Keepsake: Something given us by someone we’ve forgotten.

Kill two cats with one bag.