Author: Anonymous Page 89

Originality: Undetected plagiarism.

Distant Relative: One who can be very distant – especially when he has lots of money.

Director: The one who always faces the music.

I'm traveling incoherent.

Suburbia: Where they tear out the trees and then name streets after them.

Famous Last Words: “This is easy.”

Good Sport: One who will always let you have your own way.

Apex: A gorilla’s old girlfriend.

Judge: A lawyer who once knew a politician.

“I couldn’t believe there were 527,986 bees in the swarm!” Tom recounted.

Keep your ear to the grapevine.

America: A nation that conceives many odd inventions for getting somewhere but can think of nothing to do when it gets there.

Economists are still trying to figure out why the girls with the least principle draw the most interest.

It’s like pulling the teeth from a hen.

It is so flat, you can stand on a milk crate and watch your dog run away for three days.

The first known case of a rat joining a sinking ship.

Everybody had some antidotes to tell.

Insurance: A form of gambling in which we bet our chance of escaping disaster, and win only when we lose.

Bigamist: A man who keeps two himself.

Dirty laundry is coming home to roost.

Take Home Pay: An amount of money which is called that because it is never big enough to go anywhere else with it.