Author: Anonymous Page 9

“I’m from Missouri,” Tom stated.

Narcissist: Psychoanalytic term for the person who loves himself more than his analyst.

They held a candlelight visual.

Canada is like your attic, you forget that it's up there, but when you go, it's like "Oh man, look at all this great stuff!"

He was a man of great statue.

The difference between bagpipes and an onion is that nobody cries when you chop up a bagpipe.

“So only one person arrived at the party before I did?” Tom second-guessed.

“No, I won’t give you a note saying you’re excused,” said Tom unwaveringly.

Faster than a dog's tail in a meat market.

Hanging: A suspended sentence.

Beauty parlor: A place where women curl up and dye.

“I teach economics at the university,” Tom professed.

“I wonder where the next character is going to appear,” said Tom with a cursory glance.

Bookie: A pickpocket who lets you use your own hands.

“That city will never be rebuilt,” the prophets babble on.

Acorn: An oak in a nutshell.

Self-made Man: A horrible example of unskilled labor.

You hit the nail right on the nose.

“I swallowed some of the glass from that broken window,” Tom said painfully.

Vision: Looking farther than you can see.

Synonym: A word you use when you can’t spell the other word.