Author: Anonymous Page 95

“But a totalitarian government could remove all trace of my ever having existed!” said Tom unpersonably.

Can't find his ass with two hands and a flashlight

Inertia: Tendency of a skier’s body to resist changes in direction or speed due to the action of Newton’s First Law of Motion.

Let sleeping ducks lie.

Parking Space: An unoccupied place on the other side of the street.

It is so hot… by the time I got home from buying eggs, I had twelve chicks in the bag.

So windy he could blow up an onion sack.

Whether the glass is half-full or half empty, depends on whether you are drinking or pouring.

That’s a kettle of fish of a different color.

Eskimos: God’s frozen people.

Stuff tends to break when it is loaned or borrowed.

You are not being diplomatic just because you put please in front of “Shut the hell up.”

Did you hear what they feel?

Economists are still trying to figure out why the girls with the least principle draw the most interest.

Youth: That brief period, as distinguished from childhood or middle age, when the sexes talk to each other at a party.

If what you don't know can't hurt you, she's practically invulnerable.

It is so hot… potatoes cook underground.

If he were alive today, he’d be turning over in his grave.

Skeleton: A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.

“That’s the last time I’ll stick my arm in a lion’s mouth,” the lion-tamer said off-handedly.

Friend: A person who listens attentively while you say nothing.