Author: Anonymous Page 98

“I am not full of hot air,” Tom belched.

He was watching me like I was a hawk.

She is so ugly… when she walked in to Taco Bell, everyone ran for the border.

Depression: A period during which we have to get along without the things our grandparents never dreamed of.

“Wool is better than cotton,” Tom said sheepishly.

He’s about as awkward as a cow on crutches.

The best way to get over a guy is to get under a new one!

Close the barn door after you've led the horse to water.

“I’ve borrowed my sister’s camping gear,” said Tom insistently.

Oven: Compact home incinerator used for disposing of bulky pieces of meat and poultry.

Even in a sewer, the cream rises to the top.

Too slow to keep worms in a tin.

“Nay!” said Tom hoarsely.

A vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry.

Bliss: Having no idea what is really happening.

Artichoke: The only vegetable you have more of when you finish eating it, than you had when you started.

Bathing Suit: A garment cut to see level.

“Those ballet students should be forced to do their exercises in the nude,” said Tom barbarically.

I’m still not sure if I understand ambiguity.

Fishing License: Permit issued upon payment of a modest fee that allows fishermen to lose lures in a specified area.

We'll drive off of that bridge when we get to it.