Author: Anonymous Page 98

“I won’t buy a circuit breaker,” Tom refused.

“Get out of here!” said Tom believingly.

Shivers of joy running up and down my throat

Younger Generation: A group that is alike in many disrespects.

Sleeping dogs bark the loudest.

A day without sunshine is like… well, night.

She is so ugly… when she walked in to Taco Bell, everyone ran for the border.

Retirement means twice as much husband on half as much money.

“I had an accident in the kitchen,” said Tom with panache.

“I’m halfway up a mountain,” Tom alleged.

A rolling stone gathers momentum.

I don't want to hold an open manhole over your head.

The coffee has burned my face! I'm going to be distorted!

Bookie: A pickpocket who lets you use your own hands.

Wedding Ring: A one-man band.

Umbrella: A shelter for one and a shower for two.

Alcohol is ok in modification.

Abort: To correct a misconception.

“I cut off the bottoms of my Levis so they won’t drag on the ground,” said Tom hygienically.

You continue to cloudy the water.

… has eaten into the grocery chain’s luxury food side.