Author: Church Bulletin Page 6

Join us tonight for prayers, coffee and fresh beagles

The third verse of “Blessed Assurance” will be sung without musical accomplishment.

Hymn 43: "Great God, what do I see here?"

Preacher: The Rev. Horace Blodgett.

Hymn 47: "Hark! An awful voice is sounding"

Pastor Young and his wife have had and several horse guests this week.

Sermon Outline: I. Delineate your fear II. Disown your fear III. Displace your rear

Hymn:  I am Thin, O Lord.

Don't forget, Ash Wednesday is Monday, March 5th.

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget all His benefits.

My joke is easy and my burden is light.

The Women’s League reported that Mrs. Springston, a grandmother of five, made a hole in one last week. Good Shooting!

This evening's service will be a Sinspiration.

In a show of near anonymity, the convention approved full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada.

Dr. Doe was the featured speaker for the Seniors Group. He noted that you can often avoid those usual winter colds if you avoid fatigue, loss of sleep and over-creating.

The scholarship committee is accepting applications for church members attending a Baptist affiliated college this fall. Applications and guidelines are available in the vestibule. The Appalachians should be submitted by July 1st.

Ladies wanting to find more happiness in your life see the pastor for details on joining the group.

If you are going to be hospitalized for an operation, contact the pastor. Special prayer also for those who are seriously sick by request.

Tues Orgy 7 pm All Ages

The class on prophecy has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

John Smith, ordained as a deamon, will pastor two churches in Fannin County.

Volunteers are needed to spit up food for distribution following the Restaurant Supply Show at the Expo Center.