Author: Confucius Page 11

Confucius say… happiness is a way station between too little and too much.

Confucius say… economy will go up and down when country is run by yo-yo's.

Confucius say… he who stick head in open window get pane in neck.

Confucius say… all men eat, but Fu Manchu.

Confucius say… birds of a feather flock together… then crap on your car.

Confucius say… difference between a dog and a fox is about five drinks.

Confucius say… kiss on the lips is just shopping upstairs for downstairs merchandise.

Confucius say… wok is what you throw at a wabbit.

Confucius say… man who drops watch in toilet bound to have crappy time.

Confucius say… man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.

Confucius say… if a bulldog and a Shitsu are mated, it would be called a Bullshit.

Confucius say… he who places head in sand, will get kicked in the end!

Confucius say… marriages are made in heaven… so are thunder & lightning.

Confucius say… virgin with thimble on finger, never feel prick.

Confucius say… chicken is result of a sitting hen, while a baby is the result of standing cock.

Confucius say… egotist is a person more interested in himself, than in me.

Confucius say… he who has nothing to say, should say nothing.

Confucius say… Taliban's national bird is duck.

Confucius say… ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter is Eskimo Pi.

Confucius say… time flies like an arrow… fruit flies like bananas.

Confucius say… woman will be queen of the sewers, if she has accessible manhole.