Author: Confucius Page 12

Confucius say… keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

Confucius say… 'tis better to have loved a short woman than to have never loved a tall.

Confucius say… ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter is Eskimo Pi.

Confucius say… if your girlfriend starts smoking… you’re going too fast.

Confucius say… man is only as faithful as his options.

Confucius say… balloon factory will go out of business if it can't keep up with inflation.

Confucius say… the useless skin around a penis is called a man.

Confucius say… he who eat cookies in bed will wake up feeling crumby.

Confucius say… man with hard problem usually give it to woman.

Confucius say… New York manufacturer of gentlemen's headwear is called Manhattan.

Confucius say… if you park, don't drink… accidents cause people.

Confucius say… man who eat sweets take up two seats.

Confucius say… woman who sink in man’s arms, soon have arms in man’s sink.

Confucius say… man who not poop for many days must take care of back log.

Confucius say… if the shoe fits, get another one just like it.

Confucius say… man with his hands in pockets feels foolish, but a man with holes in pockets feels nuts.

Confucius say… girl who sit on lap of jockey get hot tip.

Confucius say… man who read woman like book prefer braille!

Confucius say… never marry a woman with big hands… it will make dick look smaller.

Confucius say… man who put head in dryer bound to get sock in mouth.

Confucius say… woman who fall in love with elevator operator, usually get the shaft.