Author: Confucius Page 13

Confucius say… bachelor is man who never makes the same mistake once.

Confucius say… there is one thing that all smart asses have in common… wise cracks

Confucius say… man that straddles the fence, gets a sore crotch.

Confucius say… who mix Viagra and Ex-Lax, doesn't know if he's coming or going.

Confucius say… virginity like balloon… one prick – all gone.

Confucius say… man who sit on hot stove will rise again.

Confucius say… confession is good for the soul, but bad for your career.

Confucius say… grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning.

Confucius say… Jamaican proctologist is called Pokemon.

Confucius say… Mother Nature's best aphrodisiac is still a naked woman.

Confucius say… man who comes into money, have sticky financial situation.

Confucius say… if you can't be content with what you have received, be thankful for what you have escaped.

Confucius say… man who sit on tack get point!

Confucius say… best way for university student to turn their life completely around is to get 90 degrees.

Confucius say… killing two birds with one stone often ends with hate mail from the humane society.

Confucius say… husbands are like fires… they go out when left unattended.

Confucius say… passionate kiss like spider's web, soon lead to undoing of fly.

Confucius say… gay gentleman from the Deep South is called a homo-sex-y'all.

Confucius say… man who wish to make headlines should sleep on corduroy pillow.

Confucius say… girl who sit on lap of judge get honorable discharge.

Confucius say… hooker with bike pedal ass all over town.