Author: Confucius Page 18

Confucius say… Christmas trees are like priests… their balls are just for decoration.

Confucius say… lovers in triangle not on square.

Confucius say… half of a large intestine is equal to one semicolon.

Confucius say… never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Confucius say… people who say they never fart, are full of hot air.

Confucius say… man who snatches kisses when young, kisses snatches when old.

Confucius say… every teenager should get a high school education… even if they already know everything.

Confucius say… church's bills are always due unto others.

Confucius say… woman who wear jockstrap have make-believe ballroom.

Confucius say… solving problems, dig at the roots instead of hacking at the leaves.

Confucius say… Viagra is like Disneyland… a one hour wait for a 2-minute ride.

Confucius say… squirrel lay on rock and crack nuts, man lay on crack and rock nuts.

Confucius say… is better to lose a lover than love a loser.

Confucius say… he who thinks only of number one must remember this number is next to nothing.

Confucius say… man who put head in dryer bound to get sock in mouth.

Confucius say… basketball player who marry midget lady will be nuts over her.

Confucius say… men are like Lava lamps… fun to look at, but not very bright.

Confucius say… man who have head up ass, have crappy outlook on life.

Confucius say… marriage is like game of poker… you start with pair and end with full house.

Confucius say… duck that fly upside down quack up.

Confucius say… man who keep feet on ground have trouble putting on pants.