Author: Confucius Page 19

Confucius say… don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.

Confucius say… war not determine who's right, war determines who's left.

Confucius say… nan who piss into the wind wear yellow shoes.

Confucius say… miners with illuminated helmets, will feel lightheaded.

Confucius say… Australian Kiss is similar to French Kiss, but given down under.

Confucius say… man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok.

Confucius say… chicken is result of a sitting hen, while a baby is the result of standing cock.

Confucius say… lady who goes down first time out, is called Titanic.

Confucius say… to make egg roll, push it.

Confucius say… man who have hand in pocket not just jingling change.

Confucius say… dirty hands make your nose itch.

Confucius say… forbidden fruits make many jams.

Confucius say… egghead is what Mrs. Dumpty gives Humpty.

Confucius say… man is only as faithful as his options.

Confucius say… man who wok dog lose best friend.

Confucius say… practical nurse is one who marries a wealthy, terminally ill patient.

Confucius say… ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter is Eskimo Pi.

Confucius say… squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts.

Confucius say… it is not what you wear, it is how you take it off.

Confucius say… if wise man marry, he become otherwise.

Confucius say… man who put wick into wrong candle get burned.