Author: Confucius Page 19

Confucius say… best way to slow a runaway horse, is to bet on it.

Confucius say… man who look to fortune cookie for advice probably make good busboy… ask waitress for application.

Confucius say… husbands are like fires… they go out when left unattended.

Confucius say… bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.

Confucius say… boy who go to bed with sexual problem wake up with solution in hand.

Confucius say… drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

Confucius say… man who sit on hot stove will rise again.

Confucius say… ulcers aren't the result of what you eat; you get ulcers from what's eating you.

Confucius say… marriage is like game of poker… you start with pair and end with full house.

Confucius say… rental car is the only true all-terrain vehicle.

Confucius say… creative Chinese chef without utensils can still find ways to stir soup.

Confucius say… is impossible to sling mud with clean hands.

Confucius say… if you want a committed man, look in mental hospital!

Confucius say… even the greatest of whales is helpless in middle of desert.

Confucius say… streaker unsuited for his work.

Confucius say… who start crystal ball factory, bound to make a fortune.

Confucius say… couple on seven day honeymoon make whole week.

Confucius say… who has hand in pocket always on the ball.

Confucius say… gypsies got no babies because gypsies have crystal balls.

Confucius say… man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.

Confucius say… 12 months of drinking low-calorie beer is one Lite year.