Author: Confucius Page 2

Confucius say… woman who wear jockstrap have make-believe ballroom.

Confucius say… smart man is like fish: keep mouth shut and stay out of trouble.

Confucius say… woman who absentmindedly answer door in her nightie is negligent.

Confucius say… if woman meets a bachelor who thinks he's God's gift, she should exchange him.

Confucius say… gay man in Chinese restaurant will order sum yung guy.

Confucius say… streaker is someone who is unsuited for his work.

Confucius say… schoolboy who plays with schoolgirl during wrong period get caught red-handed.

Confucius say… when driving near schools, open your eyes and save the pupils.

Confucius say… by the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere.

Confucius say… man can keep his youth, by giving her money, furs and diamonds.

Confucius say… best defense against rape, is to beat off attacker.

Confucius say… honor your personality flaws, for without them, you would have no personality at all.

Confucius say… woman who put right number of candles on her birthday cake, playing with fire.

Confucius say… sex is like vacation… it never lasts long enough.

Confucius say… baseball is wrong: man with four balls cannot walk.

Confucius say… man who tell one too many light bulb jokes soon burn out.

Confucius say… woman who fall in love with elevator operator, usually get the shaft.

Confucius say… man who sleep in cat house by day, sleep in doghouse by night.

Confucius say… whether or not sex is better than pot, depends on the pusher .

Confucius say… young know the rules, the old know the exceptions.

Confucius say… live each day as if it were your last, because someday it will be.