Author: Country expression Page 10

I'm so hungry I could eat my elbows.

That's so good it would make a puppy pull a freight train.

You look like death eating a cracker.

It’s been saucered and blowed.

Two shakes of a lamb's tail

He wants the earth and the moon with two strands of bob wire around it – and it white washed.

Mend fences.

Sober as a judge

Dumber than a barrel of hair

She is pretty as a pumpkin and about half as smart.

He has more information than a Sears Roebuck catalog.

He was so slick he could steal the sweet from sugar without touching a grain

Don’t let yer eyes overload yer belly.

Like a buzzard roosted in it

He’s as poor as Job’s turkey.

They ate supper before they said grace.

Sure as the vine twines 'round the stump, you are my darlin' sugar lump.

Uglier than a burnt stump

Dumb as a sack of doorknobs

Broke as a whore during lent.

Doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.